Land Use & Environmental
Land use planning is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on shaping the land and developing property in a sustainable and efficient manner. It involves strategic decision-making, policy formulation, and design principles to plan and build functional, aesthetic, and environmentally responsible site features. We combine science and design to improve communities, making them better places to live, work, and play. Within the land planning process, we create spatial organization, control urban sprawl, conserve the environment, resolve land use conflicts, and implement best land use practices and land management policies.
Environmental design complements land use planning by focusing on the environmental parameters when devising plans and programs for buildings and other facilities. Our work enhances the natural, social, cultural, and physical environment of specific areas. We create attractive, sustainable, and harmonious spaces within the environment, achieving this goal by defining critical design criteria for the project, studying the site's cultural and natural features, and utilizing scientific methods and environmental design practices.
Sustainable Land Use